Is gold-filled jewelry the better option?

One of the first decisions I had to make when I began my business was what exactly I would carry and offer to customers. Most probably know the two obvious gold options; solid or plated, but a lesser known alternative available is gold-filled jewelry. After doing research and making sure that it held up to my own personal standards and wear and tear, I felt that I could give it the Gold & Eight stamp of approval and it would be the primary gold chain offered. But first…

What is gold-filled exactly?

Gold-filled jewelry is made by mechanically bonding solid gold to a base metal. Often sterling silver is one of the strongest options but brass, rhodium, or copper can also be used. The specific metal used can indicate the quality and longevity of your jewelry but the maintenance and care that you take with your gold-filled jewelry is the biggest indicator. Gold-filled jewelry is a bridge between the more expensive solid gold and less durable gold-plated options and here’s why I personally love it:

Gold-filled jewelry is inclusive.

From the very beginning of Gold & Eight before it was officially Gold & Eight, I knew I wanted my brand to be inclusive. So much of the world of fashion is built off of exclusivity and that’s primarily due to cost-related accessibility. While high prices might drive the desirability of a product, I didn’t want my bracelets to feel unattainable or unrealistic. I didn’t want the cost to be a significant barrier for those that wanted something not only beautiful but also durable.

Durability is key.

If it’s not solid gold, it’s not going to last. Wrong. No really, gold-filled jewelry is actually one of the best alternatives to solid gold for its durability alone. Keep in mind that gold with a higher karat count has a deeper color and a more lustrous shine, but it’s also weaker. If you take care of your gold-filled jewelry… it can last just as long as solid gold (with proper maintenance it could last anywhere between 10-30 years according to this article). It’s important to keep in mind, however, that all precious metals can tarnish. If you want to know how to take care of your gold-filled jewelry, you can read more about what I recommend here.


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